Top 20 Quotes From Kate Nash

[as the ladies practice their lockups, Melrose and Rhonda start singing]
Melanie: [singing] Hold me now. Oh, oh, warm my heart. Stay with me. Let loving start, let loving start. Oh, hold me now...
Cherry: Some of us are trying to work.
Melanie: They're slow dancing. They just fully did a spin.
Reggie: Ow! That's not what we practiced.
[Reggie carries Arthie to the corner]
Cherry: All right, um...
[points at Ruth]
Cherry: You.
[points at Melrose]
Cherry: And you.
Melanie: Oh.
Cherry: Let's see what you got.
Melanie: Okay.
[gets off the top turnbuckle]
Melanie: Come on, drama nerd. Hold me now.
Ruth: Okay.
[they get into a lockup]
Ruth: I think it's like this. And then I'm gonna spin around, and we're gonna put your arm around my neck.
Melanie: Okay.
[Ruth grabs Melrose's arm and turns around]
Ruth: Then here, like this...
Melanie: And then just sort of, you know, like this...
[Melrose starts grinding her hips against Ruth's back]

Rhonda: Roger Moore is by far the best Bond.
Sam: Nobody thinks that.

Bash: I'd like to toast my mother for organizing all this.
Birdie: Aw.
Bash: But before I bring her up here, I'd like to... bring up some other... powerful, equally admirable women. Women who have struggled with drug addiction. Women who have found that, showing up at a gym every day, to learn how to wrestle, has kept them sober. These are the women of WAD. Wrestlers Against Drugs. They've come here tonight to share their stories. If you're moved to support them, please, open your hearts, and your checkbooks. Thank you.
Birdie: For the love of God.
Carmen: My low point came two months ago, when I woke up on a bench at the mall, naked... and high.
Reggie: Then I spent all my money on... the crack.
Tammé: So my husband said, 'It's either me, or the crack.' I chose the crack.
Stacey: Crack should be my middle name. And also my first and my last name.
Rhonda: Eggs, bacon, bangers and mash, toast, Marmite, and crack.
Melanie: I went to three rehabs. Uh, Hazelden was the best one, so, you know, you guys know... Now, if you have, like, a... If you have a fucked-up kid or whatever. Also, I did a lot of crack.
Jenny: [speaking in Cambodian] ... crack!
Birdie: Tell the girls to stop talking and introduce me.
Bash: No, wait. Last one, last one.
Ruth: I've... made a lot of terrible decisions. Some of them I don't even remember.
Ruth: I hit rock bottom when I slept with my friend's husband. I was really wasted at the time. But... the second time, I wasn't. I knew what I was doing. I was sober and insecure, and I think I was acting out of this deep well of resentment. I didn't even know I had and it was just... buried. And then every... It all came out, and... fucked up a real friendship.
Ruth: But then, I found wrestling... and it saved me. Coming to the gym every day, seeing... these women struggle... to use their bodies and... learn something new, and we did! And it's a better feeling than drugs. Crack, specifically.
[Bash gives a thumbs up]

[the ladies enter the costume room. Tammé puts on a white fur coat]
Tammé: Now this I can get used to.
Sebastian: Play around. Try on everything. Okay, maybe these could help inspire you in your wrestling personas.
Rhonda: Ooh.
Sebastian: That's right. Your wrestling personas.
Tammé: And would Madame Xenothrob, the slaver-pimp, wear fur?
Sebastian: Is that what the fur's telling you? Go with what feels right.
Tammé: Yes.
Rhonda: [wearing astronaut helmet] Look, I'm a beekeeper.
Sebastian: Hmm.
[Bash notices Carmen wearing a hockey mask]
Sebastian: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why so Friday the 13th, huh?
Carmen: I'm a heel. I'm the evil Ogress. I gotta find something that'll scare the kids.
Sebastian: [removes mask] No, no, no. Kids are gonna love you. You're not a serial killer. Look at this face, huh? Look at that smile. You're smiling all the time. No, we need... We need bright colors, fun. Oh, here. Here, try this on.
[Sam grabs a hat]
Sebastian: Here. I got this after I dropped acid and hiked up Machu Picchu.
[Carmen puts on the hat]
Sebastian: Here we go!
Melanie: I really thought I was gonna like this. I thought I was gonna like... 'Oh, Bob Mackie! I need that!'. But it's like, I don't even know who this is. It's a stranger...
Sebastian: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. We just gotta strip you down to your essence here.
Melanie: Naked already?
[Bash grabs a whip and gives it to Melrose]
Melanie: Wow. You see me.

[Arthie bandages Rhonda's forehead]
Rhonda: Ah!
Arthie: Sorry. Hold still, hold still. It's kind of deep.
Rhonda: Oh, God. That was so intense.
Arthie: Everyone really hated me. All those people hated me.
Rhonda: Yeah, but that's a good thing, though. Right?

Sam: [through the intercom] Ladies, hello. Hello, Gorgeous Ladies of GLOW. It's opening night. And... And listen, you know, I just wanna...
[clears throat]
Sam: I just wanna say that, uh, you... you've all worked very hard...
[Debbie turns off the intercom]
Debbie: Well, I did wanna say something... to all of you. Um... Ooh! I wasn't sure that we could, uh, bounce back after this morning.
Dawn: What happened this morning?
[everyone looks at Dawn]
Debbie: The Challenger.
Reggie: Oh, my God! I forgot about it too.
Yolanda: Oh, it's official. We're assholes.
Debbie: No, no, no. You were professionals. You were sad, but you pulled it together and you did your jobs. And tonight, thanks to your hard work...
Ruth: I'm... I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Can... Can we just take a moment of silence? We're so lucky to all be here together. I... I know we're not acknowledging anything in the show, but... can we have a moment? Is that okay?
Sheila the She: Yeah.
Debbie: Sure.
[the Ladies take their moment of silence in memory of the Challenger crew before Rhonda enters the dressing room with some balloons]
Rhonda: Sorry, I need to put these somewhere. Bash doesn't want balloons at the...
Sheila the She: Shh!
Carmen: We're having a moment of silence for the Challenger.
Rhonda: Oh, shit. Sorry.
[to the hotel staff]
Rhonda: Um, you can just put them in here.
[the bellboys drop the balloons in the dressing room]
Carmen: What's his problem with balloons?
Rhonda: Oh, no, no, no! Just... Just leave 'em. Um, they float about, and floating reminds him of the astronauts.
Melanie: That makes sense.
[as the Ladies continue their moment of silence, some of them begin playing with the balloons]

Rhonda: [singing to Melrose's constipation] Poop baby, poop baby, come out in a flash. Into the toilet and make a big splash.

[Ruth notices Melrose smoking]
Ruth: Umm... I don't think you're allowed to do that here.
Melanie: Well, I need to chill the fuck out 'cause some crazy stunt-cunt just tried to murder me.
Carmen: That was a sleeper hold.
Melanie: That was a lawsuit. Who does that bitch think she is? I mean, this morning, she was just another schmucky actress in a Kmart leotard. And now, she's going around, knocking people unconscious? Who died and made her the black Nurse Ratched?
Carmen: The director did. He said, 'She's in charge'.
Melanie: The point is, I could've died.
Rhonda: Maybe you did die. Maybe we're all dead and this is the afterlife.
Ruth: Are you already high?
Rhonda: No. No one passed it to me, and I've been waiting because I'm polite.
Melanie: Oh.
[Melrose hands her cigarette to Rhonda]
Rhonda: Thanks.
Ruth: I think Cherry's doing the best she can.
Melanie: Oh yeah? You big into dictators?
Ruth: I don't know how things work in the music video world, but... at least she's trying to make us an ensemble. Usually, in this industry, it's every man for himself, and it's almost always a man telling you your ass is too fat at the same time he's trying to grope it. And having a woman in charge instead of that Sackballs guy? This is as good as it gets.
Melanie: If you're so into the sisterhood, maybe you shouldn't have fucked your friend's husband.
Ruth: I didn't.
Melanie: Dude... I am the Cézanne of bullshit artists.
[Melrose gets up to get the lunch]
Melanie: Oh, that's us.
[looks at Ruth]
Melanie: Oh, you owe me 20 bucks.
[Melrose receives the lunch pack, then notices a bottle of ketchup and grabs it]
Melanie: Okay, ladies, back to the isle of Lesbos!

Tammé: Hot damn, I made the list!
Melanie: Everyone made the list, Tammé. It's a lineup.
Tammé: [noticing she's teaming up with Cherry against Dawn and Stacey] Our names are together, fighting the Beatdown Biddies. I guess that means we're a team now.
Cherry: I wonder why.
Rhonda: Oh, mine has got a star next to it. 'Cause I'm bright, like a star.
Carmen: I think that means you're supposed to win the match.
Rhonda: Oh, so, um, I'm a star and a winner.
Melanie: Oh, yep.
[the ladies leave while Ruth and Debbie look at the lineup]
Ruth: Well, guess it's official.
Debbie: Yeah. They spelled your name wrong.

Ruth: [British accent] Do you normally like to watch her wee? Is that something you fancy?
Sam: All right, okay, shut up.
Ruth: You're fucking her.
Sam: You fucked what's-his-name.
Ruth: He wasn't my boss.
Sam: Right. He was your best friend's husband.
Sam: Sorry. That was defensive. I'm sorry.
Sam: I have a flaw in my conflict style, according to my ex-wife's cognitive behavioral therapist. Why did you do it?
Ruth: Why does anyone make a stupid, horrible mistake?
Sam: Well, for me, it's usually 'cause I'm high, or drunk, or someone has done something to make me feel so small and so insecure, that I have to do something to remind myself that I exist. But you don't seem like that kind of person.
Ruth: What kind of person do I seem like?
Sam: An okay person.
[Rhonda enters the car]
Rhonda: You know, Sam and I are shagging.
[embarrassed look in Sam's face as he starts the car]

Ruth: [Russian accent] Mmm. Delicious. In Soviet Union, we must pay one month's salary for this quality of cat.
[Sam laughs]
Ruth: [Russian accent] Mm. Foster's Freeze. We have same place. Ice Cream Gulag. There, you go in, it's so cold, you die.
Sam: [laughs] I like you like this. I like you more than I usually like you.
Ruth: [Russian accent] Mm. Is because you are weak American. I will destroy all you hold dear.
Sam: Russians, best villains since the Nazis. It's too bad you can't do it for real.
Ruth: Why can't I do it for real?
Sam: Well, if you're Russian. you have to fight the all-American hero, and Debbie's not even talking to you.
Ruth: Well, you never know. She could change her mind.
[Russian accent]
Ruth: Is like old Russian saying: A fisherman cannot kill a chicken till there are no more fish in the sea.
[Sam giggles, while Rhonda has an uncomfortable look]
Rhonda: I need to wee.
Sam: So? Go.
Rhonda: Don't you want to come with me?
Sam: What?
[a disappointed Rhonda steps out of the car]

[Debbie and Ruth are on TV promoting GLOW's opening night in Vegas during the Space Shuttle Challenger's launch]
Ruth: [as Zoya] What about Yuri? Dog, Laika?
Debbie: [as Liberty Belle] Well, you keep launching your puppies. We are sending school teachers into space, because here in America, we believe in, well, dreaming big. God bless the, uh... what was it? Oh yeah. The U.S. Challenger.
Ruth: [as Zoya] Why you so proud of Challenger? Challenger means second place. Is terrible name.
[Bash and Rhonda watch the interview in their penthouse suite]
Bash: Good one, Ruth.
Dave the Reporter: Okay, ladies, it's time. Let's go live to the Challenger.
Bash: Oooh, I love this part.
Rhonda: I'm not even sure where they're going.
Bash: They're going to space.
Rhonda: Yeah, but like, where in it?
[the Space Shuttle Challenger launches]
Ruth: [as Zoya] Bye-bye. Hope you don't run out of gas.
Ruth: [as Liberty Belle] At least we can afford it. Gosh, would you look at that glorious display of American genius? Soaring across the sky. Hey, it's like a shootin' star.
Ruth: [as Zoya] That puny rocket look like child toy. It's probably not even real. It's pretend, like your Ronald Reagan Star Wars. I spit on this Challenger mission. And who is this Christa? She is high school educator? What's she going to do? She going to chaperone prom on rocket ship? Maybe I Challenge-r crew to chess game, how is that? Then we see who is really superior brain.
[Debbie stops smiling and nudges Ruth]
Debbie: Ruth.
Ruth: What?
[Ruth sees the TV and covers her mouth]
Ruth: Oh, my God.
[the Challenger has exploded]
Debbie: Okay, can we... can we cut? We need to cut.

Rhonda: Listen up, you little punk. You need to be in school.
Justine: And end up an old spinster librarian like you? No thanks.
Rhonda: I'm not a spinster. I'm a genius. And I get all the boys with my big brain.
Justine: Oh yeah, 'cause guys love a big brain.
Rhonda: Ooh, you little guttersnipe!
[Rhonda and Justine do a lockup]
Rhonda: You're just jealous of my horse!
[Justine releases lockup]
Justine: What horse?
Rhonda: Oh. Sam's getting me a horse.
Justine: Why do you need a horse if you're the brain?
Rhonda: Well, I think he's trying to butter me up for a big part in his next movie, Mothers and Others.
Justine: Mothers and Lovers.
Rhonda: No, I think it as 'Others.' I sort of read it.
Justine: He let you read it?
Rhonda: Well, Sam read it to me. Yeah, but I was sleeping and then I'd wake up and doze off again, and he was reading it, reading, reading... His voice is quite soothing.
Justine: So, you're, like... sleeping with him?
Rhonda: Well, like I said, I'd doze off and then wake up again. It's not great sleep. The sex is nice, though. I'm pretty into it.

[Sam snorts some cocaine, then looks at Sheila]
Sam: Am I good?
Sheila the She Wolf: Yeah.
[Bash, wearing an Elvis jumpsuit, comes downstairs with the other ladies]
Sebastian: Ladies and gentlemen! Introducing the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling! Yes! Yes! Glorified, get in here. Get in here.
[Bash notices Rhonda carrying an Uzi]
Sebastian: Whoa, a gun! Cool!
Sam: What the fuck is this?
Sebastian: Costumes, characters.
[Sam looks at Tammé]
Sam: You look ridiculous.
Tammé: This is my new character, Sam. I'm not a pimp. I'm a queen.
Sebastian: We're exploring some ideas.
Sam: We don't need new ideas! I have ideas!
Sebastian: Sam, your ideas are so complicated. Okay.
[points at Melrose]
Sebastian: Check this chick out, right? This is clear. She's a sexy party girl. And she's a ripoff of Madonna, who is so huge right now.
Melanie: What?
Sebastian: And this one.
[points at Jenny]
Sebastian: She walks into the ring. There's no backstories or dialogue about where she came from. You look at her, what's the first thing that jumps out at you?
Rhonda: Her eyes.
Jenny: Aw!
Sebastian: Bingo! She's oriental!
Sebastian: [points at Reggie] You're a jock.
[points at Arthie]
Sebastian: You're an Arab.
[points at Tammé]
Sebastian: You're a big black girl.
Tammé: The fuck you say?
Sebastian: It's not a judgment. It's just what I and the entire world see with our eyes. And in wrestling, that is the foundation upon which we need to build.

[a waiter brings in a cake shaped like the Space Shuttle Challenger]
Bash: God! Please make that cake go away!
Rhonda: Um, can you take this downstairs to the kitchen and ask them to turn it into some trifles?
Bash: What's a trifle?
Rhonda: Oh, it's like mashed-up cake with berries, custard, and cream. Unless... you want them to turn it into a penis cake.
[Bash covers his face]
Rhonda: [to the hotel staff] Give us the room, please. Thank you so much.
[the hotel staff leave]
Rhonda: Look... All you need for a good party is alcohol, drugs, and good people. And we've got all of those.
Bash: I didn't get any drugs.
Rhonda: Well, I did. From the valet. It's all sorted.
Bash: You didn't have to do that.
Rhonda: Well, it's my party too, you know. And it's the first time we're hosting together. It's exciting.
Bash: These produces I invited tonight, they're... they're, they're legends. Donn Arden, Jeff Kutash, David Saxe, who, by the way, is still in high school and is somehow already a name in this town.
Rhonda: Well, maybe they should make a little room for the new kid on the block.
[Rhonda grabs the latest issue of What's On magazine, with bash on the cover]
Rhonda: They were at the gift shop. I bought ten.
[Bash grabs the magazine]
Bash: My hair looks terrible.
Rhonda: You're bonkers. You look very handsome. And you're on the cover. So...
Bash: I don't know why I'm so nervous. I... I've thrown a million parties, but I don't know these people, and this isn't my house, and I don't have... I... I don't recognize half the names on the guest list.
Rhonda: Okay. I love meeting new people.
Bash: Uh-huh.
Rhonda: And I love parties. And... I love you.
[pause, before Rhonda and Bash kiss]
Bash: I thought you weren't sure if you wanted to.
Rhonda: Well, I want to.

[Rhonda hands Sam her waiver and her window blinds ad as her headshot]
Sam: You seem to be very versatile with window coverings.
Rhonda: Well, I'm from London, so...
Sam: I don't know what that means.
Rhonda: Yeah.

[Melrose and Rhonda fiddle with GLOW-Bot]
Rhonda: Where are the drugs, robot?
Melanie: How does it refill itself?
[Melrose pushes the red button until a compartment opens]
Melanie: Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop! Yes! Rhonda, down here.
Rhonda: Where are they?
Melanie: Do you see any little baggies?
Rhonda: No, there's gotta be a...
Sebastian: Ahem.
Melanie: Hey! What? No, we're not molesting your robot.
Rhonda: What? It kissed me, I didn't kiss it.
Sebastian: Well, I got something even better for you to fondle. Who likes glittery fun things?
[Rhonda raises her hand while Melrose looks at the dresses Bash is carrying]
Melanie: Holy shit! Is that a fucking Bob Mackie gown?
Sebastian: Uh, yeah. Why do you think my parties are so legendary?
[Bash throws some dresses at Melrose and Rhonda]
Sebastian: We drink, we smoke, we dance and get naked. Then we put on these awesome costumes, and the cycle repeats itself. Now why don't you go tell the ladies that there's a costume closet on the second floor?
[Melrose and Rhonda run back to the mansion]
Melanie: You guys! Costume party! Get naked!

Melanie: Who are you?
Rhonda: I'm Britannica.
Melanie: Because you're British?
Rhonda: No, 'cause I'm smart, like Encyclopedia Britannica.
Melanie: Oh. Nerd versus party girl. Classic structure!
[gives Rhonda a high-five]
Rhonda: Okay, so... maybe I can hit you with my book.
Melanie: You can try.
Rhonda: Like this?
[Britannica hits Melrose in the thigh with her book]
Melanie: Ow! Stop hitting me with knowledge!

Ruth: [Russian accent] In... In... In Soviet Union, we don't celebrate your all nice American Thanksgiving. We celebrate the feast of Lenin, where we just be... thanking the rats for not eating us.
[Rhonda grabs the microphone]
Rhonda: [rapping] GLOW, GLOW, that's the name. Women's wrestling is our game. If we play rough, please don't blame us. Our style is wild, and you know you can't tame us. GLOW, GLOW, that's the name. Women's wrestling is our game. If we play rough, please don't blame us. Our style is wild, and you know you can't tame us.
[Rhonda and Ruth get the other ladies to rap and dance with them in the ring]

Rhonda: You're staring at my tits?
Carmen: I am. I'm sorry.
Rhonda: Oh, I don't care.
Carmen: I just don't understand how they, um, stand up like that.
Rhonda: Well, they like attention