The Best Dave the Reporter Quotes

[Debbie and Ruth are on TV promoting GLOW's opening night in Vegas during the Space Shuttle Challenger's launch]
Ruth: [as Zoya] What about Yuri? Dog, Laika?
Debbie: [as Liberty Belle] Well, you keep launching your puppies. We are sending school teachers into space, because here in America, we believe in, well, dreaming big. God bless the, uh... what was it? Oh yeah. The U.S. Challenger.
Ruth: [as Zoya] Why you so proud of Challenger? Challenger means second place. Is terrible name.
[Bash and Rhonda watch the interview in their penthouse suite]
Bash: Good one, Ruth.
Dave the Reporter: Okay, ladies, it's time. Let's go live to the Challenger.
Bash: Oooh, I love this part.
Rhonda: I'm not even sure where they're going.
Bash: They're going to space.
Rhonda: Yeah, but like, where in it?
[the Space Shuttle Challenger launches]
Ruth: [as Zoya] Bye-bye. Hope you don't run out of gas.
Ruth: [as Liberty Belle] At least we can afford it. Gosh, would you look at that glorious display of American genius? Soaring across the sky. Hey, it's like a shootin' star.
Ruth: [as Zoya] That puny rocket look like child toy. It's probably not even real. It's pretend, like your Ronald Reagan Star Wars. I spit on this Challenger mission. And who is this Christa? She is high school educator? What's she going to do? She going to chaperone prom on rocket ship? Maybe I Challenge-r crew to chess game, how is that? Then we see who is really superior brain.
[Debbie stops smiling and nudges Ruth]
Debbie: Ruth.
Ruth: What?
[Ruth sees the TV and covers her mouth]
Ruth: Oh, my God.
[the Challenger has exploded]
Debbie: Okay, can we... can we cut? We need to cut.