The Best Mark Eagan Quotes

Mark: This is insane. It's fucking insane!
Debbie: It's not insane. It's a job.
Mark: I mean, you, you, you won't even talk to me. But Ruth?
Debbie: We're working together.
Mark: Is this some sort of elaborate ploy?
Debbie: You sound crazy.
Mark: I sound crazy? You joined a wrestling television show! Yeah, I guess you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't... put... Fuck!
Debbie: It wasn't a fucking trailer park.
Mark: I was out there watching you and I was like, 'I, I don't even know who this woman is. Truly, she's a stranger.'
Debbie: How did you even find me?
Mark: I followed your parents when they dropped off Randy last week.
Debbie: Like a stalker.
Mark: No, like a man who's sick of wondering where the fuck his wife and child are! And then the Russian guy at the desk was kind enough to invite me to the live girl-on-girl wrestling match starring daytime television's former Laura Morgan, which is also mind-blowing! You put your name on this trash?
Debbie: Fuck you, Mark! You always fucking do this. Whatever success I have, whatever good thing that I have built, you wanna piss all over it!
[Mark pulls a document from his jacket]
Mark: Fine. Here.
Debbie: What, are these fucking divorce papers?
Mark: Guess you better get yourself a lawyer.