The Best Steel Horse Quotes

Steel: I sell it, but he's the one with the real strength, the real craft. That's how it is with the bad guys. They're craftsmen.
Debbie: You mean the heel.
Steel: Superfan over here. Yeah. The heel makes the face. Rick has been making me look good for years.
Debbie: That's a good friend.
Steel: We're not friends. You don't have to be friends to wrestle. It's like... an unspoken language. I look at him like this, he looks at me like that. And we know what's gonna go down. Because that's a partnership, you know? We don't like each other, but we make each other better. Shit in the ring, it's just entertainment. But there's gotta be something there that's real. That's what makes it work. That's what makes it hit you. Right... here.
[Steel horse places his hand on Debbie's chest]
Melanie: Debbie? It's getting late.
Steel: It's cool. You probably gotta go home to your boyfriend or your husband or whatever.
Debbie: Uh, you know what? I am actually recently separated, so...
Steel: Oh.
Debbie: Mm-hmm.
Melanie: Debbie, don't make me be the rules person. I'm not emotionally equipped for it.
Debbie: You know what? Why don't you just, just, uh... just take my car.
Carmen: Are you sure?
Debbie: I'll, I'll take a cab. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Melanie: Fantastic. Bye.
Carmen: If Cherry finds out.
Debbie: You know, I'll deal with Cherry. Bye.
Carmen: [waving at Steel Horse] Thanks for having us.
Debbie: Yeah, yeah. Bye.
[Melrose and Carmen leave the dressing room]
Steel: Separated?
Debbie: Yeah.
Steel: I feel bad for your husband.
Debbie: Really? 'Cause I don't give a shit.

Carmen: My brother said he's super nice.
[Carmen knocks on Steel Horse's door. Steel Horse opens the door]
Carmen: Hi, Dale. I'm Carmen, Tom and Kurt's little sister.
Steel: Oh, right. Sure.
Carmen: We just wanted to come back and tell you how amazing that was. Um, these are my friends. Melanie...
Melanie: Melrose. Melrose. Hi, it's a pleasure.
[Melrose shakes hands with Steel Horse]
Carmen: And Debbie.
Debbie: Hi.
[Debbie shakes hands with Steel Horse, but he pauses and looks at her]
Steel: You're Laura Morgan. From Paradise Cove.
Debbie: Oh, yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. I mean, I was.
Steel: I can't believe I'm meeting you. I'm a huge fan.
Debbie: You watch soaps?
Steel: Yeah. It's where we get all our best ideas from. But I have to say, new Laura can't act for shit.
[Debbie laughs]