Top 20 Quotes From Col. Samuel Flagg

Colonel: Now I'm blowing the whistle on you, Freedman.
Dr. Sidney Freedman: Blow away.
Colonel: Col. Potter, this man, this American, never signed his Officer's Loyalty Oath. And I intend to see that he's thrown out of the service.
Hawkeye: Very smart, Sidney.
B.J.: Where do we go to not sign?

Army Col. Samuel Flagg: You gonna sign out my prisoner?
Hawkeye: Colonel, I have a more important problem on my hands. One of our teddy bears is missing.

Army Col. Samuel Flagg: [trying to track down his prisoner] I wanna talk to your commanding officer.
Hawkeye: You gonna execute him instead?

Col. Samuel Flagg: Colonel, I want to talk to you in private, without the corporal.
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: Oh, you can say anything you want in front of him.
Col. Samuel Flagg: Okay, I will. Get out.

Col. Samuel Flagg: I have enough pictures of your file to have you executed for the rest of your life.

Col. Flagg: Congratulations. I've decided not to have you guys thrown out of the army.
Hawkeye: That's really hitting below the belt.

Col. Flagg: I am leaving tomorrow - with the penicillin!
Hawkeye: Over my dead body!
[Col. Flagg stares viciously at Hawkeye]
Hawkeye: Let me put that another way...

Colonel Sherman T. Potter: I'll be grateful to you, Colonel, if you'd clear this matter up.
Hawkeye: Without taking hostages, if possible.
[Turns to BJ]
Hawkeye: Colonel Flagg's over here to keep us all safe from democracy.
Colonel Sherman T. Potter: Can it, Pierce.
Colonel: Still a cutie-pie, ain't you.
Hawkeye: Well, some guys have got it.

Colonel Sherman T. Potter: But it takes more than four sound legs to make a stallion run. Takes a sound heart and a sound mind.
Colonel: It also takes a rider who's not afraid to go to the whip.

Colonel: What's your clearance?
Henry: Oh, I go through the door with about an inch to spare.
Colonel: I mean security wise.

Col. Flagg: [flipping open his litle book] Pierce and Mclntyre. Uh-huh. Oh, yes.
Henry: Red marks next to their names?
Col. Flagg: Unfriendlies.
Henry: Yellow next to mine?
Col. Flagg: Work on it.

Col. Samuel Flagg: Now read that back to me.
Cpl. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly: [reading dictation] Uh... Mary had a little lamb. Stop.
Cpl. Walter "Radar" O'Reilly: My dog has fleas. Stop.
Col. Samuel Flagg: OK, continue. Mares-eat-oats and does-eat-oats, and I'll be home for Christmas. Signed
Col. Samuel Flagg: Your loving son
Col. Samuel Flagg: Queen Victoria.

Colonel: You can put a lid on this guessing game. As it happens, I know who our friend with the Messiah complex really is.
Maj. Frank Marion 'Ferret Face' Burns: Oh, I knew you'd get to the bottom of this.
Colonel: All it takes is the right man with a shovel - who knows where to dig.
Maj. Frank Marion 'Ferret Face' Burns: I couldn't ask for a better man.
Major: Or a bigger shovel.

Col. Flagg: [reprimanding Radar for interrupting] Quiet or I'll use you to clean a cannon!

Col. Flagg: [Flagg is undercover as a rabbi] I'm not Flagg. I'm Captain Goldberg.
Hawkeye: Sorry, Rabbi Goldberg.
Hawkeye: [Hawkeye picks up a drink] L'chaim.
Col. Flagg: What's that mean?
Hawkeye: Bottoms up, from right to left.

Colonel: Hey, you!
Klinger: What?
Colonel: This is the army, soldier!
Klinger: I get that feeling too!
Colonel: Hey!
Klinger: What?
Colonel: The next time I see you, Tinker Bell, you'd better be in uniform and as GI as General MacArthur! You hear me?
Klinger: Loud and clear, Mary.

Colonel: Colonel.
Colonel Sherman T. Potter: Colonel?
Colonel: When can I have him? Give me a medical decision now. The last C.O. they had here couldn't make a decision without a month's warning.
Colonel Sherman T. Potter: I'm not fond of personal abuse, Colonel. I was in this man's army when the only thumb you cared about was the one you had in your mouth.

Colonel: Major Freedman?
Dr. Sidney Freedman: Yeah?
Colonel: Colonel Flagg. We played poker once.
Dr. Sidney Freedman: Oh, sure. With Intelligence, right?
Colonel: I have nothing to do with intelligence.
Dr. Sidney Freedman: Better. You won't get worry lines.

Colonel: You're dumb, Freedman, very dumb! But you've met your match in me!

Colonel: You think you're real smart. But you're not smart; you're dumb. Very dumb. But you've met your match in me.