The Best Diego Boneta Quotes

Pete: Even if Dean Munsch is the Red Devil and you kill her, then she may lose but this house wins - the worst parts of this house, the parts you have been fighting so hard to get rid of. And if you kill her, you will become those parts, and that... would break my heart.

Spencer: [re their Homecoming date tomorrow] I'm wearing a silver strapless dress.
Alex: Can't wait to see you in it.
Spencer: See you tomorrow.
Alex: See you tomorrow.

Pete: Uh, welcome to the Grind. What can I get started for you?
Chanel: [to Ms. Bean] You don't want anything, do you?
[to Pete]
Chanel: I'll have a Trenta, no foam, five-shot half-caf, no foam pumpkin spice latte with no foam at 210 degrees.
Pete: First of all, that's really hot. That's two degrees below boiling.
Chanel: I'm sorry, did I enter a wormhole to a universe where this coffeehouse does not possess the technology to heat my favorite autumnal tradition to 210 degrees? I like my pumpkin spice lattes extra hot, so please comply with my request.
Pete: But extra hot is 170 degrees.
Chanel: I'm sorry, does your job description entail arguing with your customers, thereby delaying the moment at which they receive the irresistible nutmeggy sweetness of the extra hot, no foam, pumpkin spice latte they've been thinking about all day? I mean, God!
Pete: [to Ms. Bean] Ma'am, what would you like?
Chanel: She doesn't want anything! She wants you to start making my extra hot, no foam, pumpkin spice latte!

Chad: I'm inviting you to join the Dickie Dollar Scholars.
Pete: What?
Chad: Any secret friend and possible gay lover of Boone is a friend of mine.

Pete: Sometimes I kinda side with the Red Devil. I mean, he's cleaning all the mess and filth of this place in a way no dean or exposé ever could.

Pete: [to Grace about Chanel] She's probably the worst human being since Hilter.
Grace: I just met her.

Pete: I'm buddies with the county coroner. Him and my brother used to sell illegal fireworks in high school. I bribed him with a bag of weed to get some of Boone's hair. This is the part I'm kind of ashamed of...
Dean: Wait a minute. There's a part *other* than bribing a government official with drugs so that you can steal the hair of a dead man that you're ashamed of?

Wes: My girlfriend was murdered! The killer cut her head off and tried to serve it to us for Thanksgiving.
Detective: Sounds awful... but I'd keep that to yourself. Pretty much always, the boyfriend's the prime suspect.
Wes: Oh. Well, I was about to break up with her. I mean, she was drivin' me nuts!
Pete: You're not really helpin' yourself.

Grace: I'm pledging Kappa.
Pete: You don't seem the type.
Grace: Well, clearly you haven't discovered the many layers of Señorita Awesome.

Grace: How did you know we were here?
Pete: Zayday has been live-tweeting the whole night.

Pete: You didn't count on the small fact that Dean Munsch over here is such a cold-hearted bitch - sorry, I'm not sorry.

Chad: Were you and Boone secret gay lovers? Did you ever do it in my bed? Because if you did, we're about to get real.
Pete: No, we were not lovers!
Chad: You do not bequeath a shoebox full of lube to an acquaintance, Pete Martinez!

Chanel: Gay Jimmy Olsen over here got a little obsessed with me last year. I still have the fifteen thousand text messages he sent me. I had to get a restraining order.
Pete: I was a freshman and I had a crush, okay? I tend to get a bit passionate about things. You intentionally led me on, you kept acting like you liked me just so you could humiliate me.
Chanel: What was I supposed to do? True Tori was over, I was bored.

Denise: This house is haunted!
Pete: She's right!
[in unison]
Denise: See, I did some research down at the library... When? Last night! I didn't see you there. Which library?
Pete: Baker Street.
Denise: North Jackson.
Denise: Ooooh!

Pete: Feather, we wanted to ask you some questions about Dean Munsch.
Feather: She did it! Whatever it is, she was involved somehow. That woman is friggin' nuts!